zero waste for businesses

Zero Waste in Business

Zero waste in business

What is important when you build or run a business ? 

Finding solutions, taking economic responsibility, being effective, building networks or collaborating within the industry ? All of the points mentioned above can be easily operated and supported by following the principles of Zero Waste. 

What is zero waste ? 

In easy words: send nothing to the landfill. 

Zero Waste is a relatively new lifestyle movement. It was first mentioned by the campaigner Warren Snow at the Zero Waste conference in Kaitaia, New Zealand two decades ago. The start-up scene as well as established companies pick up the topic in various areas. Recup is building a deposit system for coffee to go cups that massively replaces single use cups. Boardnow is promoting the use of alternative fuels for business travel and even big corporations producing a lot of single use packaging like Unilever claim that implementing zero waste to their strategy saved them over $225 million. 

The zero waste concept focuses on rethinking and prolonging the life cycle of a purchased item. It integrates the 5R formula: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and finally, rot. Those principles also go along with the principles of a circular economy. Therefore, zero waste is a term that supports the circular economy and vice versa. 

Zero Waste as part of a circular economy 

According to Mc Kinseys latest report Europe alone adopting the principle of a circular economy can generate a net economic benefit of €1.8 trillion by 2030. 

1.8 trillion – this is also the number of estimated pieces of plastic floating around in the great pacific garbage patch, the worlds largest accumulation of waste in water.

1.8 trillion – according to the global commission on adaptation led by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, World Bank chief executive, Kristalina Georgieva and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates this is also the amount needed over the next decade to adapt to climate change which could produce net benefits worth more than $7 trillion.

The challenges 

At the moment only 8.6 % of our economy is circular.

We are in the middle of a climate, health and economic crisis. The challenges that we currently face are enormous. 

The food, transportation and real estate industry altogether produce the highest amount of Co2 globally and all of them face similar challenges: 

  • Meeting customers expectations in regards to convenience, time and money 
  • Lack of knowledge in the field of circular businesses 
  • No standardized waste infrastructure 
  • Business Models are outdated 
  • Governmental restrictions support waste produce 
  • Recycling technologies 
  • Use of materials 
  • Overconsumption 
  • Excessive consumerism 

The opportunities 

The opportunities when adapting zero waste in business are endless. 

We listed a few of them here for you: 

  • Lower costs
  • Target new customer segments
  • Promote sustainability
  • Awareness raising
  • Making an impact for future generations
  • Creating networks in the industry 
  • Reverse the damage of the last decades
  • Educate on how to operate in a circular business environment
  • Your business takes responsibility

Why be a zero waste business ? 

So why should you choose to be a zero waste business ?  You can lower costs and your carbon footprint at the same time. 

This is beneficial for people, planet and profit. 

Check out more benefits of being zero waste in business 

  • Track and trace your carbon footprint
  • Image improvement
  • Find new customer segment
  • Holistic approach
  • Designing out waste and pollution

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