Zero Waste 365TM
for business

The complete package to integrate Zero Waste to your strategy – from data collection to employee engagement strategy in your organization

We are in this journey together:

1. Make it measurable
2. Manage strategy
3. Involve everyone
4. Transform waste into a profitable asset

Make it measurable

♻️ Audit

Data collection to set your company’s waste reduction targets:

  1. Analyzing waste streams
  2. Reporting types and quantities of waste.
  3. Identifying areas of improvement.

🎯 Measuring ant setting targets is the first step
to take action towards Zero Waste

Manage strategy

✅ Enable

We include collected data to overall management strategy and support implementation of waste reduction targets.

🎯 Enable waste tracking and
reduction progress over time. 

Involve everyone

💚 Engage

Turn data driven targets into awareness programs for the whole team during a Zero Waste Month.

Tailored workshops and Zero Waste Challenge

🎯 Get everyone in the team involved and aligned 

Profitable asset

✅ Earn

Transform your corporate waste into a profitable revenue stream by not only reducing costs through our unique waste audit and partnerships in the circular economy b ut also creating sustainable value.  

🎯 Be Part of a circular economy
by turning Waste into Revenue.

Frequently asked questions

Zero Waste 365™ for Business is a comprehensive package designed to help organizations integrate zero waste practices into their strategies. It covers everything from data collection to employee engagement and revenue creation.

What are the main steps involved in the Zero Waste 365™ program?

The Zero Waste 365™ program consists of four main steps:

  1. Audit: Make it measurable by assessing your current waste situation.
  2. Enable: Manage strategy by implementing effective waste management policies.
  3. Engage: Involve everyone in the organization to ensure collective participation.
  4. Asset: Transform your corporate waste into a profitable asset.

The Engage step involves creating awareness and involving all employees in the zero waste initiatives. This includes training, communication, and motivational activities to ensure everyone participates actively.

The Asset step is about finding ways to repurpose or recycle waste materials to create value. This can involve selling recyclable materials, creating new products from waste, or finding innovative ways to reduce costs through waste reduction.

No. The different services can be provided separately

Our Zero Waste approach focuses on waste reduction and prevention.

Recycling makes part of the Zero Waste philosophy and some of our solutions include it but it is not our main focus.

Businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from the Zero Waste 365™ program. It is particularly useful for organizations that need to report according to CSRD and CSDD, companies wanting to achieve zero waste/ sustainability certifications and looking to improve their sustainability practices, reduce waste management costs, and engage employees in environmental initiatives.


Zero Waste 365 solutions package

Make it measurable


Starting at:
€ 10 per SQM


Starting at:
€ 150 per hour
Involve everyone


Starting at:
€ 50 per employee

Watch our webinar to learn more

To align with upcoming CSRD & CSDD directives and achieve sustainability certifications & ESG reporting requirements we created a zero waste program that supports your business from waste data collection to employee engagement campaigns. 
Speaker: Stefanie Behrendt -Co-founder WeGoZero Magda Cebrián – Co-founder Go Zero Waste app

Watch our webinar below to learn more:

Let's talk

We are ready to implement together a comprehensive Zero Waste plan in your organization.