Zero Waste Consultancy
for Businesses

Ready for Change? Let’s Make It Happen.

✔ Lower costs
✔ Reduce carbon emissions
✔ Increase circularity

Our vision is a sustainable future, where nature is preserved through a circular economy by 2050. That’s why we founded a Zero Waste Consultancy—to help businesses lower costs and transition toward a more sustainable, waste-free environment.

Explore our services and book your free 30-minute zero waste audit today.

zero waste workshops

Learn more about our online services.

take the first step.

Wegozero enables SME’s in the european market to integrate circularity into their strategy
by embedding zero waste practices into their day to day business.

Take the first step and explore & develop new business opportunities with us.
As a zero waste consultancy based in Amsterdam we offer a network of other sustainable businesses
and connect your business within a circular economy.

analyse your status quo with us

We enable your business to be a true sustainability champion.

Give us some insights about your SME and learn how to lower costs and increase circularity.

zero waste consultancy
for your office

Time for change ? Let’s rethink your office environment.

Together, we analysis your existing service infratstructure and improve your carbon footprint. 

Therefore, we offer a free reset of your office environment.

zero waste office

watch one of our zero waste webinars Here

 At o9 Social Impact Talks we inspired with stories about zero waste and practical tipps for every day life.

Discussion points:
+ What is Plastic waste and what is its cause ?
+ How will it affect us and our planet
+ What are some of the current initiatives to fight against this problem
+ What can we do as individuals?
+ How to reduce our personal plastic waste – live more sustainably when it comes to plastic waste
+ How can we as individuals manage our plastic waste better

Wanna learn more about
our past projects?

We are implementing zero waste into a business environment. And here is how we do it. Learn more about us and our clients here. .

simple ideas on how to implement
zero waste to your office environment

This ebook is written for pioneering ecoconscious minds and provides you with simple ideas how to make change happen in a mainly linear economy. It can be helpful to make a move towards zero waste in business no matter if you are an intern, employee or owner of a big or small corporation selling products or services.

Every little move towards greener practices can create positive ripple effects around you and for our climate. And in no time, all those little changes make a big difference. So what can you as a business owner do to move towards zero waste ?

Explore some easy ways to move towards zero waste an get inspired:


1. You can refuse to work with companies that do not work in a sustainable way. You can check out our zero waste map to connect with sustainable businesses.
2. Reducing the amount of carbon emissions starts with breaking things down to the essentials. Rethink your business environment and reduce what you really need.
3. Reuse materials and resources. This can be done by looking at what you have and rethinking the usability of products.
4. You can check the recycling requirements in your area and make sure to bring materials back in the loop.
5. By sharing your ambitions to become a greener company with your network on social media, you can make an impact.

Want to read about more inspiring zero waste tipps ? Download our e-book in kindle format on amazon.

about our work

What our Clients say

As a zero waste grocery store wegozero's advice has been invaluable to us. Particularly, as we have moved online with our delivery service wegozero's expertise on the topic of SEO has enabled us to grow substantially.

Curious to learn more about our zero waste consultancy for businesses or have an individual request ?

At wegozero we support you all the way from creating a baseline that is documenting your current waste environment to improving your carbon footprint on the longrun. Besides that, we enable businesses to communicate their circular ambitions to their stakeholders and customers to make sure that their ambitions of becoming more sustainable are getting heard and highlighted.

Want to learn more about our services, ask for an offer or a tailormade program?  Contact us through the button below.